Back to WordPress

I usually try to avoid meta posts, that is blog posts about blogging, but I thought this might be interesting to others looking to setup their own site. A blog can really help when you’re looking for a job as a programmer. I speak from experience.

My Blogging Workflow

In a previous post I talked about switching to Jekyll so I could write my blog posts in Markdown and keep my site on Github. That was nice, but lately I’ve been spending more and more time writing in Ulysses.

I started using Ulysses around the time of NaNoWriMo. With Ulysses I still write in Markdown and I can write on my laptop, iPad, or iPhone. In Ulysses it’s easy to organize my writing and the iCloud synchronization makes everything available everywhere.

Ulysses even has built in support for publishing to Medium and WordPress. I like to own my content so, as the title suggests, I switched my site back to WordPress.

That’s a screenshot of a small part of my Ulysses library on my iPhone in Dark Mode. I have a folder named Blog and sub folders for Drafts and Posted posts.

Now whenever I come up with an idea for a blog post, I can quickly create a sheet for it. Then when I have some free time I can work on the post on any of my devices. Once it’s ready, I can publish to my site. Even from my iPhone, like I’m doing right now.