I’m Famous!

Again. I gave three presentations on Thursday morning for our District Technology Integration Day.

I was really proud of the first talk I gave called “Effective Presentations”. I tried to channel Presentation Zen and Guy Kawasaki and share it with an audience who had never heard of either. Once I get all of my photos attributed, I’ll post a PDF of the presentation online.

My second talk was a lot more mundane. It dealt with file management and backups. A few people seemed interested, but several had their eyes closed. I actually ended up going a little long on this one, although I had fewer slides than the first talk.

My third talk was called “Teaching Today’s Students”. I started off by showing the beautifully redone Shift Happens. This was originally created by Karl Fisch and later stylized by Jeff Brenman. I knew that a reporter from the local paper was there, but I didn’t realize she recorded my entire talk. Much of the talk is quoted in today’s paper, including my quips.

This is not the first time I’ve been featured in the paper, but this is the most quoting by far. Most of the article is just me speaking. It’s kind of strange to read your own words in the paper.

I do think she misquoted me in one place. When talking about the slide that says the average page on MySpace is visited 30 times per day, what I thought I said was “So if you’re still having trouble finding a date, maybe it’s you.”

I thought I said that quiet enough that know one heard me, but I guess her recorder picked it up. I’m not upset if she reworded it. Her way is a little nicer.

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