Wasted Evening

I love having my own blog, I really do. No one owns what I say here except me. But this comes with a huge burden. Every part of this site is set to automagically update itself, but that’s never enough.

A few days ago I got an email with a screenshot of my wp-config.php file. That file contains the name of my database as well as the username and password needed to access it. In other words everything anyone needs to completely take control of this site.

So, I did what any responsible person would do. I exported all of my posts, backed up the entire (presumably hacked) site, and re-installed everything from scratch. Of course that takes some time.

I then imported all of my posts after examining the exported data (an XML file) for any trace of spam. Manually copied all the images from the backup site. And tried to reconfigure everything like it was before.

Again, I really love having my own blog, but it’s a real hassle sometimes.